Displaying 151 - 180 of 360 in total

God Will Not Be Trifled With (April 22)

God must be TREATED as holy, with respect for His commandments, and He will also DISPLAY His holiness in His dealings with those who come near -- even if that means pu...

A Tragic Disregard for God’s Requirements (April 21)

Like it or not, there is a link between the CHARACTER of God and the COMMANDS of God. When God has given any instruction to regulate our behavior, we cannot disrespect...

The Return of Elijah (April 20)

The first thing that had to happen was for the people to repent of the sins for which they sought God’s forgiveness. So the only preaching that could have prepared the...

Baptism Is Immersion (April 19)

In practical terms, a person's burial and resurrection in baptism marks the beginning of a new life, so much so that it can be said that a new person has come into exi...

Faith and Trust (April 18)

We can deplore Israel's lack of trust when they backed away from God’s command, but do we do any better? When it comes to obeying the gospel of Christ, do we trust God...

Faith and Reason (April 17)

If Jesus' tomb was empty, we have to decide whether its emptiness means that He was resurrected. And most importantly, we have to decide whether, if Jesus was resurrec...

The Lordship of David's Lord (April 16)

Psalm 110 is one of the most powerful prophecies of the Messiah -- every part of it meshes seamlessly with Jesus Christ. No wonder the New Testament writers saw in Dav...

The Keys of the Kingdom (April 15)

The apostles played a pivotal role in the New Testament period. No one since then has possessed Christ’s authority as they did, and their teaching will always be the b...

The King's Unpromising Birth (April 14)

If it is our pride that is the root of our sin, there can be no deliverance for us if we won’t humble ourselves before our King. But are we not beautifully moved to do...

A Child Is Born, A Son Is Given (April 13)

The messianic titles in Isaiah 9:6 -- “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” -- are epithets that could apply only to a divine ruler, a...

Kingdom of Priests, Holy Nation (April 12)

Writing to Christians, Peter used all of the ideas in Exodus 19:5,6: “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that y...

God's Promise to Abraham (April 11)

Abraham is the prime example of how salvation works; he is the forefather of all who trust in God’s promises enough to actually walk by faith. And when the whole host ...

A New Prophet Like Moses (April 10)

“It is to [the coming Prophet] you shall listen” is what Moses had said in Deuteronomy 18:15. And when Jesus was transfigured and seen by His disciples talking to Mose...

The Blessings of the Broken Heart (April 9)

When it comes to the most important parts of life, the broken heart is not a problem; it’s a blessing (Matthew 5:3,4). As long as sin is a reality in our lives, we wil...

Jesus, the Author and Finisher of Our Faith (April 8)

In Hebrews 12:2, Jesus is the supreme example of faith: both the "archegos" (leader, pioneer) and the "teleiotes" (completer, perfecter) of faith’s endurance. As far a...

I Am the Resurrection and the Life (April 7)

Martha saw the force of what Jesus said. He would be nothing less than God Himself, breaking the power of sin and death -- founding a kingdom where the redeemed people...

The Messiah's Humiliation (April 6)

The account in Psalm 22, written so many centuries before Jesus' death and corresponding so closely to the event, can be explained in only one way: David was enabled b...

It Was Foretold That the Messiah Would Suffer (April 5)

Jesus was not the only person to be crucified by the Roman government, but read Psalm 22 carefully and contemplate what it means that the Son of God was subjected to a...

The Unseen God Is Not Unreal (April 4)

We do not diminish God by disregarding Him. It is He “to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13), and His promises have never failed to be fulfilled when the time wa...

Kingdom and Church (April 3)

A Christian is a loyal subject in God’s kingdom, joyfully accepting all that Jesus taught about how God’s rule should govern our lives. Jesus Christ did not fail. He b...

A Different Kind of Kingdom (April 2)

Jesus wishes to rule in the hearts of men and women, no matter where their earthly citizenship may be. His kingdom exists wherever there are people who have truly give...

An Everlasting Dominion (April 1)

The kingdom of the Messiah is now a reality. It is permanent and indestructible. When we become members of this kingdom, our “citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3...

Come, One and All (March 31)

Revelation 22:17 invites one and all to drink of the “water of life” in eternity. But only in the here and now can we accept God’s invitation. When this life is over, ...

Is Jesus the Only Way? (March 30)

If the gospel is about sin, “salvation” must be seen from a different perspective. Proposals by the world’s greatest teachers will not be enough. We need a grace that ...

No Turning Back, No Turning Back (March 29)

The Christian life is a long sequence of stronger and stronger commitments. But it all begins very simply. Whether we say it out loud or not, at baptism our hearts are...

What Kind of Heart Is the Lord Looking For? (March 28)

God seeks those who will respond gratefully to the gospel and be eager to live in a reconciled, joyful relationship with Him. But if He is to have a people who are uni...

Which Synagogue? Messiah? Church? (March 27)

Just as in the first century when many synagogues claimed to follow Moses and many persons claimed to be the Messiah, there may be many churches near you claiming to f...

Studying 'the Church' in the Scriptures (March 26)

We need to appreciate the essential nature of the local congregation as the Lord designed it, and beyond that, value our connection to “the brotherhood” (1 Peter 2:17;...

Our Faith Must Be Confessed (March 25)

The confession of our faith is simply a matter of being genuine and authentic. I call it “courageous sincerity.” We are not to hide the truth about who we really are. ...

The Path to Death Does Not Lead to Life (March 24)

As Robert Louis Stevenson famously said, “Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.” Ultimately, there are only two paths available. It’s time t...

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