Displaying 121 - 150 of 360 in total

King of Kings, Lord of Lords (May 22)

It is from the bondage of untruth that Jesus wants to liberate us (John 8:32), and if we don’t let Him set us free from the untruth in our own hearts, it won’t matter ...

The Messiah’s Rule (May 21)

The rule of the Messiah does not come about by physical revolution (or democratic voting). He breaks the nations not by dismantling them (for now, at least) but by ree...

The Sin of Self-Sufficiency (May 20)

Without a humble recognition of how needy we are, we will have no interest in the gospel. Indeed, we will be angry. How dare this ignorant peasant from ancient Galilee...

We Can’t Exclude God and Still Have Him (May 19)

If, as rationalists, we rule out the possibility of God revealing Himself, then we should get used to the idea of having no God at all. The only God that unaided human...

Obtained with Christ's Blood (May 18)

If Christ bought the church with His blood, it is not our church to do with as we wish; it is His church. May we never quit calling it what it is. The church of God. T...

The Body of Christ (May 17)

After having refused His rule, the saved are those who have returned to their rightful King, sought His forgiveness, and sworn allegiance to Him from now on. Christ is...

If Our Concept of God Is Wrong (May 16)

If we view God wrongly, we're going to have wrong beliefs about the reality of sin and the question of our fellowship with God. The gospel will mean little if our conc...

A Ransom for All (May 15)

Jesus makes possible our reconciliation with God because he "gave himself as a ransom for all." In other words, He paid the price for us to be released from our condem...

Knowing God, Eternal Life (May 14)

In Christ, we begin to know God, and we have what might be considered a foretaste of eternal life -- or a down payment on it (Ephesians 1:14) -- but the fullness of th...

Don’t We Remember What We Saw? (May 13)

We may "know" that Jesus died for us, but in too many cases, the significance of what we know hasn't really sunk in. The devil is perfectly content for us to "remember...

Soul Health (May 12)

If the gospel of Christ is true, we're not in good spiritual health if we're not in a right relationship with the God who is our Creator -- and that requires the actua...

Responding Rightly to Grace (May 11)

Sin is the rebellion of our will against God's will. The gospel of Christ proposes to transform us back into people who submit to the will of their Creator. So obvious...

The Scriptures (May 10)

We have to stretch our minds to accept that there could be books written in human language that ultimately came from God’s own spirit (2 Peter 1:21), but that is exact...

Listen to Him (May 9)

What have we done with what we’ve heard, however much or little that may be? The real question is not whether we’ve heard, but whether we’ve listened. We’ve "heard" en...

The Spacious Firmament on High (May 8)

The heavens declare the glory of God. Every part of the world is full of wonder, obviously, but isn't there something special about the sky? We need to admire it more ...

The Hand That Made Us Is Divine (May 7)

Paul argued that God’s “eternal power and divine nature” are clearly seen “in the things that have been made.” Many have agreed, including Joseph Addison, who was no f...

Members of His Body, Nourished and Cherished (May 6)

As the head, Christ is deeply concerned about the body’s healthy functioning. He died to make the church possible, and having done that, there is nothing He wouldn’t d...

Christ Gave Himself Up for the Church (May 5)

It is sacrifice that shows the extent of love. Christ did more than speak words of love concerning us; He gave Himself up for us. So let’s celebrate Christ’s sacrifice...

Christ and the Church (May 4)

In its universal sense, the church consists of those who have been saved by Christ. Sometimes, however, the church forgets that it has been saved -- or even that it ne...

God’s Glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus (May 3)

God chose that Christ’s glory would be closely related to the glory of His people. These people -- broken and fallible, but forgiven and growing in holiness as they le...

What God Has Graciously Revealed to Us (May 2)

If we are thinking rightly, we will drink in every bit of truth about Himself that God has shared with us, eagerly wanting not only to know it but to act on it, hoping...

Ezra's Godly Sorrow (May 1)

As we see in Ezra, the godly sorrow that leads to repentance is critically important. It requires humility, certainly. But if we are willing to bow before God in the h...

The Gospel: Words and Power (April 30)

Even though the apostles are no longer preaching in person, the foundation has been laid and the record stands firm. The gospel, as preached and confirmed by the apost...

You Will Be My People, I Will Be Your God (April 29)

Here is the truth of the matter: we haven’t really been liberated or “saved” if, for all practical purposes, we continue to live in “Egypt.” God requires that we leave...

Repentance from the Heart (April 28)

Theoretically, a person might change his ways for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with God. Repentance, however, is the reformation of one’s self because o...

A Bag with Holes (April 27)

When mankind rebelled against Him, God subjected this world to “futility” (Romans 8:20,21), frequently preventing us from controlling everything we want to control. He...

We Have To Be Taught What We Need (April 26)

The fact is, we have to be taught what our greatest needs are. We think we know what these are, but our priorities can become dangerously disordered. We have to be tau...

Do We Really Mean Our Nice-Sounding Words? (April 25)

Often our words serve the purpose of saying what we WANT to be true. Yet we need to be careful. Surrounded by other religious people, it’s easy to say nice things. But...

Setting Apart Christ as Lord in Our Hearts (April 24)

Converted to Christ, we set Him apart as our Lord. But living consistently under Christ’s lordship requires growth. We have to learn to yield our hearts completely to ...

With All Your Heart and Soul (April 23)

Jesus urged us to “count the cost” of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33). If we’re not willing to throw the doors open and give God access to EVERY room in our hearts (even ...

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