Displaying 1 - 30 of 363 in total

Keeping the Faith (January 14)

KEEPING THE FAITH (JANUARY 14)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/keeping-faith-january-14/"When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted t...

Dying with Christ (January 13)

DYING WITH CHRIST (JANUARY 13)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/dying-with-christ-january-13/"The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will...

Making the Commitment (January 12)

MAKING THE COMMITMENT (JANUARY 12)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/making-commitment-january-12/"Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scriptu...

Trusting Our Father (January 11)

TRUSTING OUR FATHER (JANUARY 11)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/trusting-our-father-january-11/". . . for my people have committed two evils: they have forsa...

Counting the Cost (January 10)

COUNTING THE COST (JANUARY 10)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/counting-cost-january-10/"For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down ...

Grieving Our Sins (January 9)

GRIEVING OUR SINS (JANUARY 9)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/grieving-our-sins-january-9/"For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to b...

Hearing the Truth (January 8)

HEARING THE TRUTH (JANUARY 8)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/hearing-truth-january-8/"Take care then how you hear" (Luke 8:18).IF THE GOSPEL HAS A PREREQUISI...

The Hope of the Gospel (January 7)

THE HOPE OF THE GOSPEL (JANUARY 7)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/hope-of-gospel-january-7/". . . if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, ...

Continuing to Obey the Gospel (January 6)

CONTINUING TO OBEY THE GOSPEL (JANUARY 6)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/continuing-obey-the-gospel-january-6/"You were running well. Who hindered you from o...

Obeying the Gospel (January 5)

OBEYING THE GOSPEL (JANUARY 5)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/obeying-the-gospel-january-5/". . . in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not k...

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (January 4)

THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST (JANUARY 4)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/gospel-jesus-christ-january-4/"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of ...

Salvation (January 3)

SALVATION (JANUARY 3)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/salvation-january-3/"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her off...

Sin (January 2)

SIN (JANUARY 2)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/sin-january-2/"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, 'You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, bu...

In the Beginning (January 1)

IN THE BEGINNING (JANUARY 1)View on Website -- https://wordpoints.com/in-the-beginning-january-1/"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1...

What Hinders You? (December 31)

In Acts, as soon as people saw the seriousness of their sins and the joy of forgiveness that could be theirs, they wanted to be baptized immediately, even in the middl...

Have You Obeyed the Gospel? (December 30)

Have you obeyed the gospel? Whatever others may have done, have you responded rightly to the glad tidings of salvation in Jesus Christ? The gospel is the best news in ...

Have You Died with Christ? (December 29)

Paul spoke of the hope provided by the gospel when he said, "If we have died with him, we will also live with him" (2 Timothy 2:11). It is no exaggeration to say that ...

Examining Ourselves (December 28)

There is no more important activity than self-examination. Are we, or are we not, in a right relationship with God? Do we, or do we not, have the hope of eternal life?...

Forgiven, Saved, Born Again (December 27)

Let's look at three biblical descriptions of what happens when a person obeys the gospel, all of which point to the same experience. Each of these emphasize the deep, ...

Have You Accepted Christ? (December 26)

We often hear people talk about having "accepted Jesus as their Lord" when a quick look at their lives makes us wonder if they even know the definition of "lord." Jesu...

Are You a Christian? (December 25)

If you haven’t already said an unalterable "No," I hope you will give the gospel of Christ a chance to convince you of its truth. I hope the day will soon come when so...

When You Return, Expect a Celebration (December 24)

When we have wandered away from home, our Father fervently desires for us to come back to Him. And when we return, we can expect that, by His grace, there will be a ba...

Come to Jesus, Do Not Tarry (December 23)

By God's grace, let's stop the damage right now. He gave His Son to make our forgiveness possible. More life than we can imagine is waiting for us, but we must accept ...

A Victory Given by God (December 22)

We should never become so familiar with the gospel that we underestimate what God has done in Christ. Our salvation from sin is a gift much greater than mere survival....

Real Restoration to God (December 21)

Even when we see that sin is what is hurting us, we often don't go deep enough to see the real problem. What needs fixing is not just our actions; we need new hearts. ...

What Profit? (December 20)

Jesus' priority was the forgiveness of our sins so that we could look forward to a perfect relationship with Him in eternity. That ought to be our priority too. It oug...

The Two Great Alternatives (December 19)

God's judgment will be on the basis of our actual works and not merely good "attitudes" or good "intentions." The lordship of Christ requires more than mere sentiment....

Seeing the Truth, Deciding to Respond (December 18)

We have defined "obeying the gospel" as rightly responding to the gospel. To be morally "responsible" means "able to choose our response." So with the power to decide,...

We Can't Get Back to God on Our Own (December 17)

Not only must we accept God's solution, but we must accept it on His terms. If we could never have worked our own way back to Him, neither can we refuse, or attempt to...

What Happens When We Say No? (December 16)

Do we not feel the urgency of God's concern when He said, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, tu...

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