Displaying 181 - 210 of 361 in total

The Path to Death Does Not Lead to Life (March 24)

As Robert Louis Stevenson famously said, “Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.” Ultimately, there are only two paths available. It’s time t...

Without Our Savior, Our Sins Will Kill Us (March 23)

Sin is no ordinary problem, and its cure will not be ordinary either. Only Jesus Christ, the very embodiment of God Himself, has the power to get rid of the condemned ...

Our Relationship to God: Friendship or Enmity? (March 22)

If our present position is that we have said no to Christ, we are on the side of the enemy. But Christ invites us to change our minds and obey the gospel. He will make...

The Way of God More Perfectly (March 21)

Fervent and faithful, at least to the best of his previous understanding, Apollos needed to be shown “the way of God more accurately” (Acts 18:26). And to his credit, ...

Deferring to God's Revealed Will (March 20)

As Paul reminded his friend Timothy, the Scriptures are able to make us “wise for salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15). Whatever may seem right to us, we would do well to liste...

Governed by God (March 19)

“There are two freedoms: the false, where man is free to do what he likes; the true, where a man is free to do what he ought” (Charles Kingsley). Indeed, freedom is no...

A New Creation in Christ (March 18)

Paul described the Christian's new life in Colossians 3:1-17. We have new goals, new thoughts, and new habits. With Christ as our Lord, we live under a new authority. ...

An Indestructible Kingdom (March 17)

The stability of the promised kingdom would be such that it “shall stand forever.” The ups and downs of history would not faze it, and no enemy could conquer it. With ...

God's Promise to David (March 16)

God said to David, “Your throne shall be established forever.” The kingdom of which God spoke to David would not be geographical but spiritual (John 18:36) -- and this...

The Sorrow That Seeks Salvation (March 15)

The path to heaven passes through the territory of repentance, and that is a painful place to be, obviously. But the horror of our sins has to become real to us. If th...

Where the Righteousness of God Is Revealed (March 14)

It is in the gospel that God has revealed His plan. The righteousness He is willing to provide for mankind is based upon faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. We might have ...

Faith: the Mainspring of Righteousness (March 13)

Real faith involves a good deal more than just accepting the facts of the gospel intellectually. As it grows to maturity, faith turns into confidence and trust — a tru...

Abraham, the Father of the Faithful (March 12)

Whether it was in the operation of his intellect, emotions, or will, Abraham’s point of departure was always this: what has God said? And today, he continues to be the...

Born Again (March 11)

The gospel does not deal in superficial solutions. According to Jesus, it is not our dysfunctional behavior that is the problem — it is us. It is in the deepest depths...

The Sinner's Prayer (March 10)

It is simply not true to the Scriptures to say that a prayer like the "Sinner’s Prayer" is sufficient. We do not find in any of the conversions to Christ in the Script...

Through Jesus Christ, the Forgiveness of Sins (March 9)

For eternal salvation, where else can we go but to Jesus Christ? As Peter said when Jesus asked him if he and the other disciples were going to turn away from Him, 'Lo...

The Worst Words We Can Imagine (March 8)

When, at judgment, we hear the Lord say the worst words we can imagine, “Depart from me,” fellowship with God will then be out of our reach forever. But for the time b...

The Highest (and Hardest) Kind of Honesty (March 7)

If we’re not willing to see (1) what God teaches us in the Scriptures, (2) the true status of our relationship with God, and (3) the true motives behind the decisions ...

Seeing the Seriousness of Our Own Sins (March 6)

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). And lest I think of "sinners" as the whole human race, I need to understand this: if I were the only pe...

Trustworthiness of the Scriptures - 2 (March 5)

The gap between the events in Jesus' life and the books recording those events was not two or three centuries; it was only a few years. The last of the New Testament w...

Trustworthiness of the Scriptures - 1 (March 4)

What sense would it make for evangelists of the Christian faith in the first century to hang their whole case on the fulfillment of the Old Testament in the events in ...

Why We Study the Scriptures (March 3)

The Bereans in Acts 17 had the right idea. They listened eagerly as Paul argued that Jesus was the Messiah, but as they listened they were “examining the Scriptures da...

Zacchaeus: A Lost Soul Needing to Be Saved (March 2)

What distinguished Zacchaeus from so many others who crowded around Jesus was not that he was lost, for every person Jesus ever met fell into that category. But Zaccha...

The Gospel of God's Kingdom (March 1)

The "gospel" is the greatest of all proclamations: not one concerning Caesar, but the very King of the universe -- God is establishing the kingdom predicted by the pro...

This Jesus Is the Christ (February 29)

Even to the Jews who took the prophets seriously, it needed to be shown that the death and resurrection of the Messiah were predicted by the prophets -- and that Jesus...

The Resurrection of the Messiah (February 28)

The One whom David foresaw in Psalm 16:10 is the only person in the world who, having been killed, did not “see corruption.” His resurrection proved Him to be the Son ...

Perfection, Corruption, Restoration (February 27)

Although God might have let justice run its course, He was not willing to leave us in our lost condition. If we had ruined the perfection He had created us to enjoy, H...

Alive Together with Christ (February 26)

If we’ve obeyed the gospel, we are not any more alive physically than we were before, but we certainly possess a spiritual life we didn’t used to have. When we were ba...

Adam's Helpless Race (February 25)

Sin is not a problem we can work our own way out of. Having alienated ourselves from God, we were absolutely helpless. What we needed was not simply encouragement or a...

Out of Zion Shall Go Forth the Law (February 24)

What began to "go forth" from Jerusalem on Pentecost was the preaching of the full truth about God’s means of saving the world in Jesus Christ. Since then, anyone who ...

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