Displaying 271 - 300 of 361 in total

Are You a Christian? (December 25)

If you haven’t already said an unalterable "No," I hope you will give the gospel of Christ a chance to convince you of its truth. I hope the day will soon come when so...

When You Return, Expect a Celebration (December 24)

When we have wandered away from home, our Father fervently desires for us to come back to Him. And when we return, we can expect that, by His grace, there will be a ba...

Come to Jesus, Do Not Tarry (December 23)

By God's grace, let's stop the damage right now. He gave His Son to make our forgiveness possible. More life than we can imagine is waiting for us, but we must accept ...

A Victory Given by God (December 22)

We should never become so familiar with the gospel that we underestimate what God has done in Christ. Our salvation from sin is a gift much greater than mere survival....

Real Restoration to God (December 21)

Even when we see that sin is what is hurting us, we often don't go deep enough to see the real problem. What needs fixing is not just our actions; we need new hearts. ...

What Profit? (December 20)

Jesus' priority was the forgiveness of our sins so that we could look forward to a perfect relationship with Him in eternity. That ought to be our priority too. It oug...

The Two Great Alternatives (December 19)

God's judgment will be on the basis of our actual works and not merely good "attitudes" or good "intentions." The lordship of Christ requires more than mere sentiment....

Seeing the Truth, Deciding to Respond (December 18)

We have defined "obeying the gospel" as rightly responding to the gospel. To be morally "responsible" means "able to choose our response." So with the power to decide,...

We Can't Get Back to God on Our Own (December 17)

Not only must we accept God's solution, but we must accept it on His terms. If we could never have worked our own way back to Him, neither can we refuse, or attempt to...

What Happens When We Say No? (December 16)

Do we not feel the urgency of God's concern when He said, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, tu...

Will All Be Saved? (December 15)

God will not force us to accept His salvation. He makes salvation available to all (John 3:17), and grants the gift to those who accept it on His terms (John 5:39,40)....

In Christ, We Can Be Everything God Intended (December 14)

In Christ, our humanity can be restored -- and what Christians are now waiting for is what Paul described as "the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Romans 8:21...

God, the Support of the Saved (December 13)

"O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is don...

Looking Beyond Our Salvation to the Savior (December 12)

When we get to heaven, we will be completely happy. But our thoughts will not be centered on how happy we are. We will be so completely caught up in the glory of God t...

Obedience Is Not a Negative Concept (December 11)

We need to view obedience in a more kindly light. Wherever we look in the New Testament, we see Jesus recommending obedience as something to be honored and appreciated...

The Most Disturbing Message in the World (December 10)

If the seed of the kingdom is going to grow, the fields of our hearts have to be plowed up. And the harder the ground, the more painful the plowing is going to be. "If...

Jesus, the Crisis-Producer (December 9)

When we hear Jesus honestly, a crisis is produced deep within us. Is this teaching true? And if it is true, what are we going to do about it? The most tragic thing we ...

Flee! Don't Look Back! (December 8)

Repentance is hard, especially when sinful habits are deeply ingrained in us. There is not much chance of getting away from the clutches of sin if we don't flee from i...

The Deadliest Temptation (December 7)

"There is nothing any more permanent than a temporary solution." If that's true anywhere, it's certainly true in our spiritual lives. Rebellion against God is bad, but...

A Gentle Knock at the Door (December 6)

If we are lost, we may spend eternity blaming God for not being more forceful to break down our resistance. But if it's not love that brings us back home, what good wo...

Made in God's Image, We Long for His Fellowship (December 5)

We need our God deeply. Created in His image, we yearn for Him. Whatever else we may accomplish in this world, this truth can't be denied: cut off from the God in whos...

We Are Not Saved by Those We Are Connected To (December 4)

Are we helped in this life by the good lives of those we come in contact with? Yes. And should we give thanks for the helpful influence of godly people? Certainly. But...

God Will Judge the World in Righteousness (December 3)

If we take Jesus seriously, along with the teaching of the apostles whom He selected to communicate His message, we must accept the fact that eventually God is going t...

Putting Our Hand to the Plow (December 2)

Everything God has ever revealed about Himself shows that He can be counted on. His promises can be trusted. So we must not look back wistfully at the things we have g...

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (December 1)

When we come to Christ, we come empty-handed, yielding to His decision as to our greatest need. Whatever other gifts our "wisdom" might say are more needful, we are co...

Entrance Into the Eternal Kingdom (November 30)

God will help us, obviously, but the process of renovating our character cannot take place without our active engagement and obedience. We must not only be willing to ...

Judged by Our Response to Jesus' Word (November 29)

When the gospel is rejected, it is Jesus Himself who is being refused. So let's look at our situation clearly: our eternal destiny hinges on our response to the person...

Called, Beloved, Kept (November 28)

In a world of obstacles and temptations, we could not survive without the help God gives us in Christ. Peter wrote of those "who by God’s power are being guarded throu...

Faith Has Consequences (November 27)

Believing is not a simple one-time decision after which we drift through life automatically. It is a soul-deep dependence on the Father who has loved us and saved us. ...

Honest About Our Transgressions (November 26)

If we preserve our flattering self-image with denials of the truth, there is nothing but death in that cave. To be forgiven, we must come out of hiding. In Jesus Chris...

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