Displaying 241 - 270 of 361 in total

Justified (January 24)

When we obey the gospel and are justified with God, the result is that “we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is not the subjective FEELING of pe...

Disciples, Christians (January 23)

The term “Christian” was first used in Antioch in Syria. Here, for the first time, the congregation of disciples was made up of both Jews and Gentiles, and it was clea...

Jesus: the Way, the Truth, the Life (January 22)

Apart from Jesus Christ, there is no way back to God, no certainty of truth about God, and no life other than the desperate yearning of our earthly existence. Jesus Ch...

Repent and Be Baptized (January 21)

On Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection, a large crowd in Jerusalem heard Peter preach the gospel of Christ. Many were “cut to the heart,” and no one in the history...

God Has Made Him Both Lord and Christ (January 20)

What is the meaning of the titles associated with the name of Jesus in the New Testament? At least sixty times He is referred to as the “Lord Jesus Christ”? To see f...

In Christ: Reconciliation to God (January 19)

God is at the center of both our problem and its solution. The gospel is not primarily about our broken social relationships. These are but symptoms of the real proble...

Alpha and Omega (January 18)

We were created for a perfect, eternal joy with God, a joy not subject to change and decay. By our sin, the human race broke that perfection, but we still yearn for it...

The Light of the World (January 17)

Light is wonderful, but if we don't respond to the light of truth obediently, the light will condemn us. “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, ...

With What Attitude Should We Come to Jesus? (January 16)

As was true in Jesus' day, people today still “come to Jesus” for a confusing range of reasons. So let’s ask this: in the New Testament, who were those who came to Jes...

Sharing the Faith (January 15)

We can’t receive the benefits of the gospel ourselves and not want to do something to share those benefits with other people. In some kind of personal way, we should w...

Keeping the Faith (January 14)

Learning God’s character is a growth process that takes time. In Christ, we “are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthi...

Dying with Christ (January 13)

We would not have been baptized into Christ if we had not decided to die with Him. It was a choice. And our old self will not stay dead if we refuse to let go of that ...

Making the Commitment (January 12)

There is something special about the act of baptism. Whether we understand God’s purpose in this or not, He has made baptism the doorway, or division, that separates t...

Trusting Our Father (January 11)

If a broken trust in God is the root of sin, it makes sense that for the problem of sin to be fixed, trust is going to have to be put back in its rightful place. That ...

Counting the Cost (January 10)

Discipleship is costly. But if we turn away from the gospel because of the costliness of the love it requires, there is nothing left but lesser loves — counterfeits th...

Grieving Our Sins (January 9)

In a "feel-good" age, it is hard for many to see that our first response to the gospel must be grief. Yet if the gospel is about redemption from our sins, we are not r...

Hearing the Truth (January 8)

We often reject ideas as “untrue” when there is no reason to do so except that we don’t want them to be true. But the more painful a truth may be to accept (at least i...

The Hope of the Gospel (January 7)

Hope is a powerful thing. And one reason the gospel of Christ is the greatest of all messages is that it offers the greatest of all hopes. In Christ there is the prosp...

Continuing to Obey the Gospel (January 6)

In the New Testament, there are two phases or stages in obeying the gospel: first, we accept God’s forgiveness on His terms, and second, we live the rest of our lives ...

Obeying the Gospel (January 5)

The fact that our salvation is by God's grace does not mean the gospel requires no response. It is a message that must be responded to, and in the absence of the respo...

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (January 4)

The gospel is the good news of God's salvation. But here is the important point: the message is about Jesus Christ. It is in Jesus that God is offering salvation. In 2...

Salvation (January 3)

It is from sin that God proposes to save us. In the gospel, salvation is not about the amelioration of social ills or earthly maladies. It is about (a) the forgiveness...

Sin (January 2)

Adam and Eve were free, but they used their freedom to reject God rather than honor Him as their Maker. We must not underestimate the seriousness of their decision to ...

In the Beginning (January 1)

Adam and Eve's creation in God's image meant they were subject to Him in unique ways. Brought into being by God, they had God as their King. He possessed the sovereign...

What Hinders You? (December 31)

In Acts, as soon as people saw the seriousness of their sins and the joy of forgiveness that could be theirs, they wanted to be baptized immediately, even in the middl...

Have You Obeyed the Gospel? (December 30)

Have you obeyed the gospel? Whatever others may have done, have you responded rightly to the glad tidings of salvation in Jesus Christ? The gospel is the best news in ...

Have You Died with Christ? (December 29)

Paul spoke of the hope provided by the gospel when he said, "If we have died with him, we will also live with him" (2 Timothy 2:11). It is no exaggeration to say that ...

Examining Ourselves (December 28)

There is no more important activity than self-examination. Are we, or are we not, in a right relationship with God? Do we, or do we not, have the hope of eternal life?...

Forgiven, Saved, Born Again (December 27)

Let's look at three biblical descriptions of what happens when a person obeys the gospel, all of which point to the same experience. Each of these emphasize the deep, ...

Have You Accepted Christ? (December 26)

We often hear people talk about having "accepted Jesus as their Lord" when a quick look at their lives makes us wonder if they even know the definition of "lord." Jesu...

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