Displaying 301 - 330 of 361 in total

If We Have Died to Sin (November 25)

If commitment, confession, and repentance are not a part of our daily walk with God, we need to go back and remember the "death" we died when we were baptized. If at t...

A Sobering (and Encouraging) Thought (November 24)

What if you have not yet obeyed the gospel? You need to hear all of the truth that God has revealed about Himself. So study all of the Scriptures. You will be encourag...

Obedience Is a Choice (November 23)

Obedience requires discipline, which comes from deciding what is most important to us. Valuing our hope more highly than anything else, we'll pursue that hope with pas...

O to Be Like Thee! (November 22)

God has a great goal: not merely to rescue us but to reform us. For all who will accept His plan, God intends to repair the damage sin has done to our character and ma...

Have We 'Put On' Christ? (November 21)

Have we been truly converted to Him, discarding our old life and clothing ourselves with the fresh, clean garments of our Lord's heart, mind, and character? If not, pe...

Jesus Christ, Our Example (November 20)

By coming penitently to Jesus -- seeking first the forgiveness of our sins and then committing ourselves to live by His example -- we become an example that helps othe...

When the Feeling of Salvation Fails Us (November 19)

The Scriptures must be our guide. Our feelings may err on the high side or the low side, but the only reliable basis for our confidence is God's promise. And never for...

Confident in Christ . . . and Careful (November 18)

Given the problems that confront us (no less today than in the first century), it would be dangerous not to guard our faith carefully -- there are none more vulnerable...

Even in Christ, We Are Not Yet Fully Alive (November 17)

In Christ, we live in great anticipation. And since we live in anticipation, we also live with focused concentration and resolute patience. Excited, enticed, and intri...

Opportunity to Seek God (November 16)

If we fail to use the opportunity which God's grace has provided, the word "regret" will crush us with horrible force. There is no love more painful than the love that...

The Church in Splendor (November 15)

“Beholding the glory of the Lord, [we] are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Jesus Christ is the key to ...

The Power (and Beauty) of Commitment (November 14)

It may be that the truly “big” tests of life are the “little” ones, the many daily decisions that call for us to remember our promises to the Lord and faithfully do th...

The Gospel Is True, but We Must Pay Attention (November 13)

Shall we neglect such a great salvation and simply drift away from it? Whatever may have changed in our lives, here is one thing that will never change: the powerful t...

No Christianity without Correctability (November 12)

Oftentimes, wisdom hurts us before it helps us. Although its benefits are enjoyable, wisdom usually requires some painful adjustments -- starting with the admission th...

Don't Limp! Decide! (November 11)

Ponder this statement by Eric Greitens, with which I agree: "Remember that deciding is not doing, and wanting is not choosing. Transformation will take place not becau...

The Samaritan Syndrome (November 10)

Jesus calls us to make a radical choice. The choice Israel needed to make was a prefiguring of the greater choice that confronts us today. The very worst decision we c...

A Decision Only We Can Make (November 9)

Since God gave us a free will, only we can make the decision to return to Him. Yet God loves us more than we can imagine, and He will pursue us down all the hard pathw...

Take My Yoke Upon You (November 8)

What we need is not the "freedom" of more lawlessness, but to return to the will of God and find our rest therein. In comparison to the yoke of the enemy, the yoke tha...

Hastening the Coming (November 7)

As Peter wrote to his beloved brethren, we should be "waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God" (2 Peter 3:12). Oh, to hear the glorious, triumphant soun...

Turning from the Power of Satan to God (November 6)

No moderate remedy will do. In sin, we took our hearts away from our God, so we must give them back to Him. For after all, there are only two alternatives, only two po...

Testing Everything by the Scriptures (November 5)

The Berean Jews knew that the ultimate test of Jesus' messiahship was scriptural: if this Jesus was the person the Hebrew prophets had spoken of, then everything about...

Choose Life! (November 4)

We haven't "chosen life" if we're not doing the kinds of things Moses commanded Israel to do in Deuteronomy 30:20, "loving the Lord your God, obeying His voice and hol...

Henceforth (November 3)

"Henceforth, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness," said Paul. It is only the rugged who will receive this crown, those who have fought and run and been ...

Self Must Be Crucified (November 2)

"Resurrection" sounds good, but there is some dying that comes first. If there is anything other than God that we won't give up, then the devil has our heart. "Give it...

After Baptism, What's Different? (November 1)

The gospel calls for a change much deeper than simply changing our "religious affiliation." If the only thing that is different after we've been baptized is that we "n...

Every Deed Will Be Tested (October 31)

Having given us life and a free will, God will hold us accountable for the use of our freedom of choice between good and evil. Think of it in terms of "stewardship." W...

In a World of Futility, How Should We Live? (October 30)

We must learn to do what is right because it is right, and not because it will turn earthly events in our direction. The sooner we give up our "comprehend and control"...

There Are Those Who Pervert God’s Grace (October 29)

As Christians we will fall short and our only hope of salvation is in God's grace. But forgiveness requires godly sorrow and repentance. In the absence of "a broken an...

The Faith Is Worth Contending For (October 28)

If the gospel is true, it is the most important truth in the world -- and it is worth being defended. Just as surely as the gospel is preached, there will be those who...

Each Must Choose (October 27)

In regard to God, we must say a decisive Yes! -- or we'll not like where we end up. As I heard someone say, "God lives upstream from us, and we’re not going to get to ...

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