Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 360 in total

Life in the Son (July 21)

Let's avoid thinking that "eternal life" is different only in that it lasts longer than our earthly life. It is indeed "eternal" because it is unending, but more than ...

Sin Is Always Against God (July 20)

The fact that, as Joseph knew, sin is always against God should weigh more heavily in our thinking than any social consideration. Social consequences are serious, no d...

When We Don’t Want To Be Delivered (July 19)

We can stay where we are, which is easier, at least in the short run, or we can let the Great Deliverer begin to break our chains. Between now and eternity, there is a...

God Heard Their Cry (July 18)

As with Israel's deliverance (Exodus 12), our salvation from sin depends on doing certain things God requires before He delivers us (Acts 2:37,38). The gospel must be ...

Josiah, the Tenderhearted (July 17)

When we ourselves are among the unfaithful, what is our response? Hearing the message that we are under the penalty of death for our sins, are we tenderhearted enough ...

Wholehearted Repentance vs. Pretense (July 16)

There is no damage to our souls that Christ cannot repair. But He will not be manipulated by fake repentance on our part. If we expect His forgiveness and help, we'd b...

The Hearts of the Children of Mankind (July 15)

In Christ, we may come confidently before God's throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16), but we had better not come with anything less than a no-strings-attached commitment to ...

Incline Your Heart to the Lord (July 14)

God should be more than a "maybe." Our hearts must be inclined to Him. We must fix their minds on Him. We must -- and here is the main idea-- be devoted to Him. This d...

A Dangerously False Sense of Security (July 13)

The man in Psalm 10 is doing what Satan wants us all to do: manage our own lives. And that pride is what led us onto the downward slope of destruction. Since Satan can...

You Shall Be Holy (July 12)

Sometimes holiness requires physical separation (and we are foolish if we don't understand this). But with or without physical separation, holiness requires that our p...

When I See the Blood (July 11)

As God went through the land in judgment that night, the people of Israel waited, trusting the protection of God's promise: "When I see the blood, I will pass over you...

You Shall Not Add or Take Away (July 10)

God's word tests our character. There can be no salvation for us if we won't humble ourselves before God, and it is in our attitude toward the commandments of God that...

Both Just and the Justifier (July 9)

By taking upon Himself the death that was our due, Christ satisfied the law's demand, making it possible to forgive us and treat us as if we had not sinned. In this wa...

The Excitement of Finding the Messiah (July 8)

Ask yourself how you'd feel if you lived during the Roman Empire and found out that the person described in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 had been born in Judea and was now procl...

The Lion of Judah (July 7)

Jacob said that Judah would be a "lion." It is no coincidence that Jesus is described in Revelation 5:5 as "the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David." He is t...

Saints (July 6)

To be a "saint" is to be "separate." A saint has accepted God's call to be redeemed from sin -- seeking salvation, he has obeyed the gospel. But since not everyone has...

What the Heirs Will Inherit: Eternal Life (July 5)

If we're in Christ, the result of God's justification is that we are "heirs." Eventually, we will hear Christ say, "Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the...

To Him Be Glory and Dominion (July 4)

Eternal with God the Father, Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. The world was created through Him, and He is moving history toward its final destination. For us,...

Some Strong Statements About the Kingdom (July 3)

Jesus spoke boldly about the kingdom of God. If we find ourselves challenged by what He taught concerning the kingdom, it's because we need to be challenged. Whether w...

Present Kingdom, Future Kingdom (July 2)

For those who have obeyed the gospel and remained faithful to the commitment they made, Christ's return will be the time when they pass from the kingdom of God in this...

Whole Heart, Willing Mind (July 1)

As the new king of Israel, Solomon would have some serious responsibilities. So David encouraged his son with the most important advice he could have given him: "know ...

The Resurrection of Condemnation (June 30)

Resurrection has two sides. For some, the resurrection will be one of "life," but to others it will be one of "condemnation" (John 5:28,29). Human beings have eternal ...

Away from the Presence of the Lord (June 29)

Universalism is fueled not by biblical exegesis but by emotional preferences. Hell is simply incongruent with the way people want to feel about God. "The issue of the ...

Learning About Love from God (June 28)

Jesus was never more revolutionary than in His practice of love. If we take all that He did (and not just our favorite parts), even our most "advanced" ideas about lov...

Jesus’ Mission: He Came to Save Sinners (June 27)

Writing to Timothy, Paul left no doubt about the object of Jesus' work: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15). This echoes Jesus' own wor...

Learning About the Father From the Son (June 26)

Jesus is described as "the faithful witness" (Revelation 1:5), which means He told the truth in everything He reported to mankind about God. He claimed He came from Go...

God’s Steadfast Love (June 25)

I'm mighty glad that God's love is steadfast. Were it not for His lovingkindness, this weak child of His would have been disinherited long, long ago. And, in Christ, I...

The Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s People (June 24)

If we reject "organized" religion, where does that leave the Lord's Supper? Are we really "Christians" today if we don't take seriously an observance that, in the New ...

God’s Grace Is Not 'Irresistible' (June 23)

Creating beings with a free will is exactly what God did when He created us. And the result is that those who accept Him, whether many or few, do so freely and lovingl...

Scriptural Teaching About God’s 'Election' (June 22)

It was surely God who chose whom He would save, but what He chose was a class of people defined by a criterion: the "obedience of faith" (Romans 1:5). This group is op...

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