Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 364 in total

Humbly Receiving the Word (August 20)

Out of all we have learned from the Scriptures, only a fraction of that has truly been "received." Today, let's determine that we will not let pride keep God's word fr...

None of Us Has Anybody We Can Look Down On (August 19)

There is nothing about any of us that is not known to God (Hebrews 4:12,13). What if God made known to the public everything He knows about us, even the "thoughts and ...

Is It Possible to 'Drift' Away from Christ? (August 18)

Rebellion may be a temptation sometimes, but it's not the only way we may depart from Christ. In a dangerous world, our confidence needs to be balanced with carefulnes...

Reverence vs. Pick and Choose (August 17)

The idea that God has the right to govern everything about us is hard for us to swallow. But if God is indeed our Creator, we are not free to sit in judgment on His la...

The Essential Truth about God’s Son (August 16)

The "teaching of Christ" is a teaching we must "abide in" if we hope to be saved from our sins (2 John 9). And whatever else the teaching of Christ may include, it cer...

What If We Deny the Incarnation? (August 15)

The entire gospel depends on the Incarnation. God could not have died an atoning death for our sins if He had not become a human being who was capable of being killed....

Which Sins Do We Preach Against the Most? (August 14)

Hatred comes straight out of hell. Sexual sin is an abomination that will damn your soul, but if things like pride, anger, and selfishness are in your heart, you are a...

God’s Wrath Is a Part of His Character (August 13)

In Christ, we are assured of being protected from the wrath that will be poured out on the rebellious and disobedient. But even in Christ, we must not fail to take God...

The Value of the Gospel Is in the Resurrection (August 12)

The gospel's value does not lie in its power to remove the difficulties of this life; its power is the promise of resurrection to eternal life (1 Peter 1). May God hel...

If God Commands It, We Can Be Courageous (August 11)

As you consider obeying the gospel, many of the "what ifs" will be frightful. I won't insult you by saying that your path will be easy. But this much I know: if God co...

Faith: What End Is It Meant to Have? (August 10)

Heaven is the reason why people become Christians. At least, that's what life in Christ was about in the apostolic age. Its "end" or intended goal was not a better wor...

What About the 'churches of Christ'? (August 9)

Yes, by all means investigate the "churches of Christ." But when you visit, you'll need to look deeper than the name and ask lots of questions. That designation expres...

Wanting to Associate with Faithful Disciples (August 8)

As you look for a faithful congregation, don't be misled by the attractions of entertainment masquerading as religion. You're searching for the Lord's people, so "exam...

Christ to His People: Congregate! (August 7)

You can't read what happened in Antioch in Acts 11:19-26 and imagine those people downplaying their duties to the Lord's church in their locality. The entire New Testa...

I Will Build My Church (August 6)

Because the truth is indestructible, the church built upon it is indestructible. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Satan could not prevent God's Son from...

The Household of God (August 5)

It is not the church building but the members of God's spiritual family who make up His "house," as made clear by the translation "household" in the ESV. This marvelou...

Grace to Help in Time of Need (August 4)

The character of God is the key to the assurance of our salvation. God being who He is, we do not doubt that He desires for us to overcome every discouragement thrown ...

After Becoming a Christian, Then What? (August 3)

The new Christian needs to know that he has embarked on a process of spiritual growth. Many texts speak of this, but none more clearly than Ephesians 4:15,16 where Pau...

The Church Manifests God’s Wisdom (August 2)

There are some things about God's plan for the church that to our modern "common sense" seem foolish or unworkable, but those things reflect the "manifold wisdom of Go...

Christ’s Ambassadors (August 1)

In an age when people think there is nothing to the gospel except each person's individual opinion, we need to keep the emphasis on the authoritative statement of the ...

Israel’s Day of Atonement (July 31)

Israel was fortunate to have such a stark reminder as the Day of Atonement. And today, we lose much of the depth that should characterize our godliness if we never thi...

Love’s Fire (July 30)

There is simply no force in the world more potent than love -- and when love is a holy passion for God, it is a force that will move us to do what is right with fiery ...

Once Saved, Is It Possible for Us to Be Lost? (July 29)

Is it any wonder that we see so many exhortations in the Scriptures to keep the faith. These warnings are greatly needed. We should not be doubtful about our salvation...

There Arose Another Generation (July 28)

Despite the negative aspects of "warfare," it is a fact that strength, as well as gratitude, is generally built up through struggle. Danger is certainly one of the "go...

Delivered by a Strong Hand (July 27)

Heaven won't be for those who have earned it by their own success in being good people; it will be for those who have been rescued by the Great Redeemer. Will we accep...

Job’s Faith (July 26)

For all Job knew, he was going to die from his afflictions, but if so, he was unconcerned: "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the e...

How Do We 'Rend' Our Hearts? (July 25)

Confronting the awfulness of our sin, without self-pity or evasion of responsibility, we should grieve how we've rebelled against God's love. And we should yearn to be...

You Never Know Who Will Be Receptive (July 24)

We tend to see people only through the lens of their past. And unfortunately, if a person's past is so sinful that we deem them unfit candidates for God's grace, then ...

Those Who Take Refuge in Him (July 23)

Human beings have always faced an ultimate choice. Do we lay aside our self-sufficiency and trust in our Creator, or do we double down on our self-sufficiency and trus...

A Distinction That Will Be Unavoidable (July 22)

Rather than dismissing the distinction between godliness and ungodliness by saying, "Only God knows who His people are," we need to be growing in our ability to make t...

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